Custom Cell Phones:

For a limited time only, customer’s purchasing any zzzPhone between now and February 15th, 2008, will receive a FREE custom color case upgrade - a $12.00 Value (msrp)

Webmaster White Label Program

Dropship wholesale cell phones to your customers by selling zzzPhones directly from your website - even under your own brand name - with our exclusive zzzPhone White Label Program. Increase profits from your website and start making money today by selling customized cell phones through our proprietary API software that allows you to sell the zzzPhone while we fill the order and ship the product. All you have to do is install the custom software, market our top rated cell phones, and cash your check for each phone you sell and let us handle the rest.


Earn up to $75 for every zzzPhone sold through your site.

  • Hot Product
  • Turn-key Business
  • High Quality Productd
  • We Drop-Ship
  • Customer Service Support
  • FREE Enrollment

Click here to sign up

You sell, we ship,

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Copyright ?0?82008, zzzPhone Inc. All rights reserved.
Patent Pending